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I need help

I am being physically, emotionally, and mental abused by my single mother. I am two years away from becoming an adult but i can no longer stand the abuse. I have reached out to my family and friends and they didnt say anything but to wait till I was 18. I dont know what to do anymore everyday I think about running away. I get in trouble for the littlest things then i get hit. I know for a fact my mom will make it a challenge for me to move out and i feel even worse because i have a baby sister. I dont want to leaver her behind. Should i reach out to my counselor?


It sounds like the people you have shared your abuse with are not supportive of you reaching out for help. You deserve to be in a home where you feel safe. A counselor can help you make a report to DCP&P and provide you with additional support during that process. Remember your safety is what is most important. If you want to talk about this more please reach out to us at 2ndFloor at 888-222-2228, we are available to talk 24/7.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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