hi, i am not sure how this website works so i apologize if i am not using it correctly. i think i might have ADHD. i say this because sometimes it is very frustrating to do simple tasks and things like homework. school has started 2 weeks ago and i already have many missing homeworks. it is hard to focus on my studies solely and i find myself distracted very often. this post is not meant to be a self diagnosis or something of that sort but the thought of ADHD and similar disorders have been on my mind very often and i want to get it off of my chest. again, i am sorry if i am not posting this correctly.
Super Moderator • 1 year, 3 months ago
Glad you reached out. Absolutely no need to apologize Because sometimes you just need to vent about how you’re feeling or what’s on your mind. If you do feel that you are struggling with ADHD, make an appointment with your primary doctor and they can refer you to whomever they feel is necessary. It must feel overwhelming to feel like you can’t focus and concentrate on your work so just be sure to do some self-care as well. Maybe do some breathing exercises you can look up some breathing exercises on YouTube and even some calming relaxing music which can help you. Take a break in between your work at home and set an alarm so you’re able to focus more. If you want to talk about this or anything further, reach out to 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228, you can text or call anytime.
1 year, 2 months ago
Homework can be super overwhelming. A tip that I personally like to do is make a check list and after I complete a task I get to highlight it as completed. Also, give yourself plenty of breaks to get up and stretch, take a walk, grab a snack, let out some energy and then come back to it. You got this!!