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Trans bills

I'm a minor and I'm(not out to anyone)trans but I so desperately want to do something about the anti-trans bills going around and it's stressing me out so much. I'm barely able to bring myself to go to school and sometimes aren't able to because it feels so useless when there are people getting their rights taken away and people being killed because of things they can't control. I'm currently looking for any trans rights groups I can join(since my therapist recommended me to) but it's really hard to find any and I just don't know what to do. Everything feels so hopeless and I just got better from my mental health, I've been feeling happier and now I just feel so useless and hopeless again and like nothing I do matters since I could be the next to die. Is this a common thing? Is there any way to fix it? Or help in any way?


It's great that you want to be a part of this important fight that is going on in our country right now, and even without being out, you can do things privately that can help. Look for online petitions or places seeking signatures that oppose the anti-trans bills you spoke of. If you want to find some groups, start with a LGBTQ+ site such as and see how you can be supportive or find groups that you might be interested in joining. It's awesome that you are working on your mental health and that you're currently feeling better. And yes, what you do matters and can make a difference on a large or small scale. You could start small by joining some of these online groups and see how that goes and then participate more and more if you feel comfortable doing so. Good luck in your pursuit of justice. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.

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