Health & Fitness

Tourette Syndrome?

I've had verbal and physical tics since 3rd grade, I'm 14 in hs now. We finally went to the doctor about it and the first thing he brought up was Tourette Syndrome. I'm online a lot, so I know about the "trend" of faking disorders, especially Tourette's, for clout online. Watching people reacting to those videos made me feel like I was not supposed to have this disorder. I felt like the more I thought about it, the more I would tic, but that was just because I WANTED to be special for having tourettes. So, I just shrugged and told the doctor that I didn't feel that way, even though the symptoms of tourettes are exactly how I feel when I tic. Now I really regret my decision because he's doesn't know that I actually feel that way. I don't know what to do, but I talked to my mom about it and she said we might get another appointment? Does anyone have advice on how I figure this out? What do I say to my doctor when I tell him I lied, since he's already having me test my thyroid since he ruled out Tourettes, but I don't think that's it?


It’s okay that you were nervous and were unsure about how to answer. Continue to talk to your parents about what happened and how you feel so you can make an appointment again. As far as figuring out what medically could be happening is something only a medical professional can determine. Best not to self diagnose or search too much online because you can find anything online that has similarities and self diagnosed yourself with everything or anything. Maybe take a break from looking up stuff online and just talk to your mom about wanting to really try to figure out what’s going on with the help of a doctor. If you want to talk about this or anything else, please text or call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228. We are here 24/7.

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