Depression from school and home
Lately I've been missing classes to go to therapy I have in my school. My school sends letters letting our parents know that we've missed class 8 times or more. My mom has been angry at me because of my geometry and biology grades..., I'm already repeating geometry next year... My mother isn't helping for the simple factor that I'm already dealing with a lot by being bullied in school..I feel like my depression is worsening each day and my mother threatened that I will be in a different high school next year and that she'll send me to my god father....I just want to cry.. I feel like I'm just a failure
Super Moderator • 9 years ago
You are not a failure, everyone struggles with things once in awhile! It sounds like it would be a good idea for you to talk to your guidance counselor or therapist that you are talking to at school about this. Talk about how you are missing classes due to depression and bullying. Maybe there is something the guidance counselor can arrange for you to make up some of your work because of this issue. Your school counselor can also bring your mom in to talk about your grades and issues that is what he/she is there for. Have you told your mom about the bullying? Have you reported the bullying to anyone in the school? All schools have a Bullying Specialist that you can find right on your schools website. In NJ it is the school’s responsibility to make sure all students feel safe in the environment they are learning in. You can also check out the website for additional help as well. Also, if it continues after you've reported it, let them know it hasn't stopped and additional interventions need to be done. If you need to talk about this or anything call 2NDFLOOR @ 888-222-2228 or text us daily from 4-8PM.