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He’s so confusing

Ima a girl in middle school btw. There this boy who’s in a couple of my classes that I kinda like. My friend told the boy I likes friend. And the boy I like friend asked the boy I liked if he likes me without my permission. He said he didn’t and I’m too tall. That was a month ago. Now it’s super awkward heard between us. He keeps looking at me and c add my help to look at him too. I don’t even know why I still like him. And Valentine’s Day is coming up and my friends are telling me to ask him out but I’m scared he’s going to reject me. And if he does reject me I’m goona have to see him everyday as his locker right next to mine. But if I don’t ask I might never know. Helpppp


So it sounds like you have to decide if the risk of asking him out is worth the reward of him saying "yes" or the difficulties that come with him saying "no." Neither is right or wrong. One thing that might help you decide is can you imagine seeing him in class and at your locker everyday should he happen to say no, which is possible because he already expressed to your friend that he doesn't feel that same way about you that you do about him. If you are ok with seeing him after a potential rejection, then why not go for it. If you think it would be too awkward to see him in such close proximity every day, then you may want to not ask him and find someone else who might feel the same way about you. If you want to talk about this further feel free to call or chat.

Jolly Friend

It sounds like you're in a tricky situation! It can be really confusing when someone you like doesn't feel the same way, especially when it’s shared with others. Since things feel awkward now, you might want to give it some time. Sometimes things can settle down, and it won’t feel as weird. If you still want to talk to him, try to act normal around him like nothing happened. Just be yourself! If you feel comfortable, you could also talk to your friend about how you feel and see if they have any ideas on how to handle it.

Jolly Pal

It sounds like you're in a tough situation, and it's completely normal to feel confused and anxious about it. Middle school can be really tricky when it comes to crushes and relationships! Here are a few things to consider:

1. His Reaction: It’s tough to hear that he said he didn’t like you and commented on your height. Sometimes people say things without thinking about how it might affect others. His behavior of looking at you could mean he’s unsure about his feelings or just curious.

2. Friends’ Advice: Your friends might be excited for you to ask him out, but remember that you know your feelings best. If you feel ready to ask him out, think about how you want to do it. Maybe a casual approach, like asking him if he wants to hang out with you and your friends, could be less intimidating.

3. Rejection Fear: It’s understandable to be scared of rejection. If that happens, it might feel awkward at first, but middle school friendships often change quickly, and it might not be as bad as you think. Plus, you have the support of your friends to help you through it.

4. Take Your Time: If asking him out feels too overwhelming right now, it’s okay to wait. Focus on building a friendship with him first, and see how things develop over time.

Ultimately, trust your instincts. Whatever you decide, make sure it feels right for you. You’re brave for even considering asking him out, and remember that this is just one moment in your life. Whatever happens, you’ll grow and learn from it!

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