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I recently graduated from a 2-yr school with a degree in general studies. Growing up, I had a lot of different career pursuits in mind such as being a doctor, chef, eye doctor as well as architect. As I got older, it became clear that i wanted to be involved in the construction industry because I wanted to be carpenter in junior high school. By my high school graduation year (2010), I decided to be an architect. It made sense because growing up, I would make sketches of houses I would see while driving through neighborhoods. Between then and now, I ended up in mental hospitals twice. The experience made me want to reach out to people who are going through that side of life and who are depressed/suicidal etc. Recently, I made the decision to be a psychologist at my next school (4 year).

The problem is, my mother thinks that I should just choose a career that is easy so I can hurry up and get my job. I come from a Haitian family and Haitian parents are a bit stern. My mother knows that I've been in school a long time and she does not want me to waste any time any further getting a job so I feel like she is rushing me, now that I am finally done with my 2-year school (which really took me 5 years to be done with). My mother does not like the idea of me being a psychologist because she thinks it's hard. I want to be a psychologist so I can help those who have been through what I have. I think psychology is important because
people suffering from depression and suicidalness are the real victims in this world. If they overcome that then I think they can overcome anything and I really think I will be of much help there. What should I do? Fight with BOTH my mother and sister who think I will be better off in business? I don't want to stress my mom out because she is 55 and I know that is the age where stress is really bad. Not only that but I am just not the type for anything aggressive which means fighting in any way!


It's great that you finally figured out what you wanted to do with your life. You have gone through a lot yourself and that knowledge and experience will probably be helpful in obtaining your degree and helping others. Your mom is right in a sense...becoming a Psychologist is going to be a longer path in school than becoming an architect, so you will not be out in the workforce as quickly. That shouldn't change your mind however, because this is your life and you have to make decisions that you are going to be happy with. You don't have to make big life choices in a way that makes your mother happy, and you unhappy. Follow your passion and do what you think is right with your life. They can disagree with you, but at the end of the day, you are the only person that can make choices for you. Maybe if you told them your reasoning for wanting to be a psychologist, they might understand better, but even if they don't follow your dreams. Call or text us at 888-222-2228.

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