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Hope I didnt mess things up

There was this guy I really liked and hung out with twice a week, one week. He said he would reach out to me when he was free to hang out, and he texted me everyday, in the morning. I asked him a week and a half later, if he wanted to hang out again, and he said "soon but he was really busy, and that he was sorry he didnt have more time", and I said "ok its all good". Then later in the day he came up and found me with my friends, and he seemed really tired and said "he was really busy with a lot of his extracurriculars and how he didnt have time to sleep and do homework as they were taking over his life a bit". He then asked what I was doing later that day and during the week, and I said I was going out that day and wasnt sure later in the week. he then said "I wish I could come with you tonight but I have a ton to do".

This was yesterday and I havent heard from him today. So my plan is to not ask again if he is free, for another month, and then just say "no worries if your really busy, maybe we can hang out after finals in the summer?"

In the meantime, I will try and find someone who is more available.

Did I screw things up by asking him if he wanted to hang out again, a week and a half after we hung out the last time?, after he had been texting me "goodmorning" everyday

What should I do now>???

Warm Ally

of course not!! you should always be able to ask questions even if he

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