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My friends were victims of cyber bullying!

So today a lot of my friends were upset and crying because of this weird social media thing. I don't know the full story, all I know is the some girl from our school made an account on twitter or Instagram or something and she basically spread rumors about people and told their secrets. She basically exposed people and embarrassed them. A lot of my friends were victims in this and were really hurt today. She was suspended today (or at least that's what I heard happened to her) so at least that is resolved, but how do I help my friends? I feel terrible. I want to help them but I'm really bad at helping... I get really uncomfortable when people cry and as I try to help them, I usually break down and cry with them. What tips do you have about helping people out? How can I remain calm when trying to cheer up my friends when they are crying? How can I helps hem to feel better? I really truly feel bad. :'( </3 Thanks.


It is great that you want to help your friends. First of all, it is okay to cry if you see your friends crying. It shows that you are compassionate and there to support them. Sometimes it is helpful just to say something like "I am here for you and want to listen if you feel like talking." Just being there and being supportive the best you can is helpful. You can even suggest that they talk to an adult at school, like a teacher or guidance counselor. You can also suggest going with them and offering support. Also, you can just try doing things, that you normally do together to cheer them up. For example, you can offer to watch a movie with them, go shopping, listen to music, or whatever you guys normally do together for fun. Sometimes it is helpful just to do something fun and not focus on the negative. Consider your friends and what you think would work for them! Good luck! Please call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 for more help!

Jolly Fellow

The girl showed up at school again. We aren't sure why she is there but we know she lied to the school so she wouldn't stay suspended! All my firends are angrier and even worse than they were before with the sadness and crying. I'm gonna try to help them with the advice you guys gave me. Thanks!

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