Health & Fitness

Car sickness

I get car sick every time I’m in the car or on the bus, it’s awful and ruining every day for me!


Hi there. Sorry to hear this is happening - please let your parent or guardian now what is going on so they can help you. That might look like asking the bus driver to sit in the front area of the bus or sitting in the front passenger seat in the car. Avoiding reading in the car or bus can help too. If trying those things don’t work, please ask your parent to bring you to your doctor or pediatrician for medical advice. Thanks for reaching out to 2ndfloor.

Warm Mate

As someone who gets car sick ALL THE TIME I found seabands help! It's like a little bracelet with a ball in it for acupressure. At first I thought it was silly but then I tried it and I was like omg it works. It's nice because it's just a bracelet, just take it on and off whenever you need! Maybe ask your doctor or parents about them? They have them at all the stores. Hope it helps!

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