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Is it bullying

I feel like every time I tell any adult in my life about the was this boy teases me they say well it’s cause he prob like you. Makes me feel so bad like I am doing something wrong. He tells me that I look like I need to shave my legs, tells me my clothes are “80s”, always saying something about me. I’ve had enough.


We are so glad you reached out to 2ndfloor. It sounds like you need validation for how these comments make you feel. It is never acceptable to receive a comment that make you feel uncomfortable or sad. I would suggest you tell this boy how you feel about his comments with "I" statements like "when you tease me about.... ( my legs or clothes) it makes me feel .... (sad, angry, embarrassed, etc.)." If you would like to discuss these concerns with someone, you are welcome to call or text with a live 2ndfloor support counselor.

Bright Fellow

That is so mean and you have every right to feel bad. Do whatever you feel will make you feel better, confront him, ignore him, whatever. But tell everyone who dismisses it that it is unacceptable

Happy Companion

This should never be a sign of "like" or "love" if someone is making you feel bad please don't confuse it with they like you, people who like wouldn't want to hurt your feelings. If ur comfortable confronting them and telling them to leave you alone, I say do it. You should surrounded yourself with nice, genuine people

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