My boyfriend is 15 and I am 14. My best friend talks bad about him because they say he is a bad influence on me. He and I are part of a tight group of friends. I am the only girl. One day my boyfriend goes to a party and get drunk. I was there and I tried to stop him but he get into a fight. Another my friends and I played truth or dare and I got a bad dare then had to complete it. One day I was changing in the locker room and my best friend saw some hickeys and now she is spreading rumors that I am no longer a vigrin. But I am still a vigrin what do I do??!
Super Moderator • 8 years, 8 months ago
Rumors can be difficult to handle. You may want to try talking to your friend and ask why they are spreading them about you. If she is your best friend she would not try hurting you this way. You may also want to discuss what's going on with your boyfriend so that he is aware. Honesty is that best way to approach situations where other people are creating stories. You can't control what people believe but you can control who you discuss the truth with. Also if you are playing a game where you feel uncomfortable with completing something it's ok to say no. If you want to talk more please call 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 or text us daily 4-8PM at 888-222-2228.