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I miss summer

At this point I don't know. I wasn't sure if this should go in family or school but it's here now. So to start this off, I have always gotten good grades. Like high honor roll throughout all of elementary and middle school. My grades have been iffy recently. Like 80-92. I know that isn't bad by my father believes it is. He discusses about how I need to try harder (says I work long hours but not effective). Also he gets mad at the smallest things. I wouldn't say I'm a bad person, like I'm not sneaking out or some other thing. For example: if I forget to put my shoes in the right place multiple times in a row, he'll get mad (ig I get where he's coming from but still). I know this is a really dumb thing to say back but I'll be like, "why are u mad? I moved them now?" and "I forgot im sorry." He'll follow up with something like, you can't be forgetting so quickly. He never releases that I'm struggling and so stressed. I forget EVERYTHING (except for random facts from 5 second tiktoks??) I have been trying to hint that I wasn't doing the best again for the past YEAR but whenever I'm about to say it, he tells me to go upstairs. I think he knows and doesn't want to hear it. If you don't hear it, it isn't true, right?? Anyways, I was HAPPY again! For the first time in FOREVER. I was talking to one of my friend (Brandon (who he hates for some random reason), shopping, and playing music. He proceeds to walk into the room and question me about my work. "Did you do your trig hw yet or study for technology?" Unluckily for me, I didn't. Lucky for him, I'm not a pathological liar so I said no. He told me to leave the dining room and move to the kitchen when he wasn't even downstairs, so there was no reason. Ig he just wanted me out of his territory. I then said I would study and he took my phone and was all like "No you aren't going to" and said a lot of other similar stuff my brain has seemed to blocked out. Anyways he threw my phone onto the table and said "You know what?? I don't care do whatever you want go back to talking to BRANDON but not in the dining room." I was cleaning up and wasn't ready to leave yet when he comes back in and says "Why are you still here??" and "If you don't leave its going to get ugly in a minute." I don't know what he meant by that. he was probably going to yell. When I say stuff like why are u yelling or getting mad he will say "YOU don't know what mad is, you've never seen it." Anyways now im f-ing sad AGAIN. I thought it was done. Nope EVERY TIME it comes back. I think it's getting better and it just gets worse again. On a different topic does anyone have good lunch recommendations that are really easy to make. I'm a terrible cook and physically CANNOT eat another peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This definently doesn't make any sense sorry!!!!! Thank you smmm. :):o:rolleyes::cool::cool::cool::cool:


Thank you for your post. That definitely sounds tough with your dad. It is a common topic for many teenagers and it seems that parents get most stressed out about their kids grades for college. It seems like the other stuff your dad may yell about is him taking his own stress out on you. Do you ever let your dad know how much it bothers you? Or anyone else in your family? Can any of your friends relate? Hopefully when your dad becomes angry about something you can just walk away and take a break and do something to help you feel more relaxed and happy. Before you know it you will be moving out for college and that distance can help take some of the pressure off. If you would like to talk about this more you can call or text us at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228.
P.S. If you google easy lunch recipes many good ones will come up!

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