Dear second floor,
I go to a private school, that has very high education standards, there were only three people in my grade last year that didn't get above B+ average. I have struggled with different learning issues such as ADD, and Convergence Insufficiency, since sixth grade (I am now in tenth), so I am at a disadvantage to other students in the school. Last year when I transferred to the school the teachers and guidance counselor helped me so I could get through the year with a B average. When I came back this year however, after two weeks the teachers and guidance counselor stopped helping me. They claimed that I wasn't even trying, and that they were doing all they could to help me. Well, I have been trying, I have stayed up past midnight trying to finish homework, and I quit all my extracurricular activities to try and get through my schoolwork. Most of my life that isn't spent actually at school, is doing schoolwork or crying. My mother has actually started to worry about my mental health deteriorating from school stress, after I had attempted suicide over the fear of my schoolwork. When I told my mother about this, she asked the school if they were following my IEP and 504 plan, in which they replied that they were not, and they did not plan to. They started to blame me for "being lazy" and eventually said my mother was "taking advantage of the school". Eventually it became so terrible my therapist started to get involved with the school to try and help me. But the further my therapist and mother tried to help, the further the school dug in their heels. My mother said I'm allowed to go to a public school next year if I want to, but that still means I have to survive six months with these teachers, who have started to look at me like a lazy kid who doesn't care about school. Most of my teachers have stopped even trying to help me, because they believe I am lazy, even though I am trying my hardest, and I still don't understand. I don't think I can take six more months. Please help.