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I hate my mom and i hate hating her

My whole life everything has been about my weight. every little thing. it’s been on and on. in fourth grade i ate some whipped cream out of the can and she graffitied it with stuff like “pig” and other shameful things. but she also wrote “i hate my mom” which turned out to be true. i can’t take her anymore. when i was eleven she made me throw away all of my toys in an effort to make me more mature. in sixth grade i ended up in foster care because of my moms drug addiction. she got me back but in all honestly i dont thinks she’s sobered up. tonight she told me we were going to the store to get something to drink. we literally have nothing and we can’t drink our tap water because it’s tested positive for e. coli. but it turns out we were really just going to pick up food for her and my dad. they didn’t ask me if i wanted anything nor did they assume it. they also got a 32 pack of beer. but they always do that. i wasn’t really too upset until i got thirsty like an hour later. i can’t control my emotions. i know i need help mentally but everywhere i’ve gone for help i have trouble talking so it never gets anywhere. after i had a screaming match with my mom everything was calm for like two hours. and then she decided to force me to go to wawa. i didn’t want to go. our wawa had no water and really that’s all i wanted. i didnt t think she was going to force me to get something but she did. it was either i get something or we were going to sleep in the parking lot. i decided to hold my ground because i thought she’d give in after thirty minutes. but she didn’t. i did not want anything. i had 16 dollars and if i wanted anything else it would’ve been from the kiosk thing but they closed it after 12. i bought a sprite. we left. so i decided to dump it out because i didn’t want it. i regret doing it but it felt good to let my emotions out in a way that didn’t hurt. my parents started arguing and i know it was about me. they truly hate me and i can’t stand myself anymore. id be better off missing in some crackheads basement where i can’t hurt anybody.


It sounds like you are really struggling in dealing with your Mom. Have you ever considered contacting DCP&P and having them come out to do an evaluation of your situation? If you are under the age of 18, you can call them at 1-877 NJ ABUSE. They will come out to your home and perform an evaluation to make sure you aren't being abused or neglected in any way and then take some steps to try to improve your situation. You shouldn't have to deal with being called names or made to sit in a parking lot against your will so calling them might get you some help. I also don't know if she would be open to it, but maybe if you asked she might attend family therapy with you so you could work out your problems in a positive manner. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.

Sunny Buddy

Cps hurt and abuse children

Bright Fellow

The Department of Child protective services is mandated to investigate and protect children as needed. If you had a recent experience or want discuss your feelings with someone, please contact us at 888-222-2228 (tel:888-222-2228). Thank you for reaching out and let us know how we can support you.


The Department of Child protective services is mandated to investigate and protect children as needed. Please contact them at 877- NJ ABUSE you have any concerns and they can explain the process to you. If you had a recent experience or want discuss your feelings with someone, please contact us at 888-222-2228 (tel:888-222-2228). Thank you for reaching out and let us know how we can support you.

Sweet Neighbor

"> The Department of Child protective services is mandated to investigate and protect children as needed. Please contact them at 877- NJ ABUSE you have any concerns and they can explain the process to you. If you had a recent experience or want discuss your feelings with someone, please contact us at 888-222-2228 (tel:888-222-2228). Thank you for reaching out and let us know how we can support you."

you guys tell me it’s serious but when i reached out to text you guys i was told me and my mom just needed family counseling and that it’s a words will hurt scrnerio


Please reach out to 2ndfloor if you need support or assistance. We can be reached at 888-222-2228, you can call or text.

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