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Stressing about school

I have a lot of trouble with most subjects in school. Mostly math. I may have a learning disability. I'm going to get a iep soon but the process takes longer than I want it. Ive asked my teacher plenty of times to help but I still can't process what she's trying to help me with. I also have a problem with a teacher who made me feel very dumb. She kept telling me its not good that I dont know anything in the class and that I dont pay attention in class. I cant help that I cant focus. I really do try but I cant get the concept of anything in math. It got to me so much that I cried silently as the teacher was teaching the material I didn't understand. I get she's aware that I don't know anything in math but she sounded so harsh saying it to me.


I'm sorry to hear that a teacher made you feel that way at all. Struggling with school is something that most of us have dealt with at one time or another, but having a learning disability can make this even more difficult. There are a few options that may be helpful. You could discuss your issue with a counselor at school who could possibly talk to some of your teachers and explain what is going on. Another option is that you or your parents could discuss with this teacher that you are in fact in the process of getting an IEP, this way she knows that your difficulty with math is not your fault. If you want to talk more call 2ndfloor Youth Helpline anytime to discuss 888-222-2228 and good luck!

Cheerful Buddy


"> I have a lot of trouble with most subjects in school. Mostly math. I may have a learning disability. I'm going to get a iep soon but the process takes longer than I want it. Ive asked my teacher plenty of times to help but I still can't process what she's trying to help me with. I also have a problem with a teacher who made me feel very dumb. She kept telling me its not good that I dont know anything in the class and that I dont pay attention in class. I cant help that I cant focus. I really do try but I cant get the concept of anything in math. It got to me so much that I cried silently as the teacher was teaching the material I didn't understand. I get she's aware that I don't know anything in math but she sounded so harsh saying it to me."

You have a lot of insight and intelligence. Teachers who do not understand learning disabilities are unfortunately ignorant. THE IEP will certainly help, and always keep up your confidence in yourself as a person. There are numerous Presidents of the United States, Chief Executive Officers of major corporations as well as talented artists, celebrities, etc, all with profound learning disabilities. In fact it has been demonstrated that persons with learning disabilities often have tremendous gifts in other areas, such as creativity. By definition, a learning disability is a gap between ability and performance -- meaning the ability is there but different strategies and techniques are needed for optimal performance. Also, most middle and high schoolers do not realize that sitting in class very nearby to them are kids in very similar situations, feeling the same frustrations, and not telling anyone. You are not alone in this, and it sounds very promising that there are adults in your life pursuing an IEP. Keep talking to others, tell your guidance counselor. You will ultimately be very successful so keep the faith.


Sounds like you are on the right track by getting evaluated for Special Education Services. Once they determine you are eligible they will be able to provide you with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which will outline the types of support and modifications you can receive in all academic subjects, especially in math. In the meantime, it is important to consult with your guidance counseling to see if there are study groups, mentors, or another math teacher that can assist you. A learning disability or an IEP does not define you or your potential. It does allow the teachers to understand your strengths and how best to teach you. A special education teacher will be able to address your math concerns and teach you strategies to overcome any difficulties you are experiencing. The important thing is not to give up and allow individuals who do not understand your needs to make you feel bad. Continue to advocate for yourself and asking for help. If you would like more information, please call 2ndfloor Youth Helpline anytime at 888-222-2228. Good luck!

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