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Why did this happen

So we go to school together, and we matched online, and we hung out once, then he said we should hang out Saturday of the same week, we hung out again Saturday, or a total of two times....He said he would text me again when he was free. then he kept texting me the morning and at night. Then a week and a half after we hung out, I asked him if he wanted to hang out again, he said "I would like to, im just really busy now with fraternity stuff". Then 3 days later he texted me and asked, "do you want to hang out". and I said "when are you free". He said he was free saturday, I said that was fine and then I realized I had something to do for school, and somewhere I had to be on saturday. I texted him and said, "I forgot I have to do something for school saturday afternoon, maybe we can hang out in the morning".. then he said he would think about it.....

Then he got busy and sent a snap that he was in the city.... after this, I texted him, as the event had ended early, and I had more time saturday... he then said "he wanted to hang out but was really tired.

He has been sending me texts and pictures since then.....

What did I do wrong, and what is going on...does he like me or am I just being played? Its been a month since we hung out....did I do something wrong by asking if he was free, and texting him that my activity ended early?


I am glad you reached out to 2NDFLOOR. It does sound like he is interested because he is reaching out to you. Maybe he is really busy and has a difficult schedule. I do not think you did anything wrong. If you really want to know what is going on, ask him. Let him know that you would like to hang out with him again because it's been over a month and see what he says. Please reach out to 2NDFLOOR anytime if you would like to discuss this or anything else. We are available by text, phone or message board. Our number is 888-222-2228.

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