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what to do when people say u are bysexual. i am not


First of all, there is no way they could possibly know that anyway, so don’t pay them any mind. It sounds like they are just being overly mean and picking on you. Ask them to stop saying these things about you and if they don't, you have the option of approaching someone in your school about what they are saying, a teacher, guidance counselor or the school bullying specialist. All of these people would be helpful in getting this behavior to stop. Be confident in yourself and hold your head up! You can also visit to get some info on bullies as well. If you need to talk ever, call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 or text us on Fridays @ 908-280-0235.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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