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Sexually Insecure

Lately, my boyfriend and I have been discussing having sex. We decided to wait almost a year to have actual intercourse, but chose to still have oral sex. We have not done any oral yet, but I know it's coming up. I am not insecure around him and I am very comfortable with him in general. So that is not the issue... I have a sensitive gag reflex, like really sensitive. The dentists even have to numb my throat when working on my back teeth.


That's great that you feel secure with him. As with any sex act, you should only do things that are comfortable for you. If oral sex makes you uncomfortable, you can be honest with him and tell him that. Websites such as can also have helpful articles for you to go through and see if you can relate to them. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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