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Too busy for me?

I've only been dating my boyfriend for a month now but I've known him for a few. He is very intelligent and is majoring in business at his college. During his freshman year he started his own company and is always working on it. We hangout a lot but every time I'm with him, he's on his phone doing important business calls or has to leave me to meet with business partners. I am very proud of him and what he's doing but at times I feel like he's forgetting I even exist. He makes jokes that he likes his company more than me and I completely believe it. Another thing is that because he is always working, he drinks excessively to relieve stress. He has about 10 drinks a week night and 20 a day on weekends. He tells me he needs the alcohol to cope with his stress and to actually get work done he needs about 7 drinks. I wouldn't call him an alcoholic but he is definitely on the track there. Both of these things worry me about him although I know he likes me very much. I'm just worried out our future and if it will survive


Those are definitely some valid concerns. You really have to focus on what you want out of a relationship, what you want in your future, and if your truly happy right now. Maybe you can even make a list of the pros and cons of him/your relationship and mark the most important factors. This can help you visually see what is really positive that mean a lot to you and also make you realize even more that the negatives are too much of a big deal. There are for sure 2 red flags-work being #1 and drinking to cope- that can easily worsen with time... or not. It really comes down to you deciding if he is worth taking that risk. If you would like to talk about this further please call or text us at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228. Best of luck

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