I've only been dating my boyfriend for a month now but I've known him for a few. He is very intelligent and is majoring in business at his college. During his freshman year he started his own company and is always working on it. We hangout a lot but every time I'm with him, he's on his phone doing important business calls or has to leave me to meet with business partners. I am very proud of him and what he's doing but at times I feel like he's forgetting I even exist. He makes jokes that he likes his company more than me and I completely believe it. Another thing is that because he is always working, he drinks excessively to relieve stress. He has about 10 drinks a week night and 20 a day on weekends. He tells me he needs the alcohol to cope with his stress and to actually get work done he needs about 7 drinks. I wouldn't call him an alcoholic but he is definitely on the track there. Both of these things worry me about him although I know he likes me very much. I'm just worried out our future and if it will survive