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I was playing around with my friend during lunch and i smacked his arm. I did not mean to hurt him it his arm got red and then he went to the nurse who just gave him an ice pack and she told him to report me. So i am raelly scared about whether or not ill get suspended


It sounds like you are remorseful and did not mean to hurt him, so just tell him that. Don't worry about getting suspended until its brought up, if it is brought up. Listen, we all can make mistakes so just learn from this and next time don't smack anyone whether you were playing around or not. That's all you can do right now so just talk to the boy and apologize. You might want to mention what happened to your parents too just in case the boy does report you and the principal reaches out to them. If you want to talk further call 2NDFLOOR @ 888-222-2228 or text us on Fridays @ 908-280-0235 from 4-8 pm.

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