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cant talk to parents abt guy stuf :(

ok so i tried sleeping in boxers one time (ik tmi) and i heard my dad coming so i jumped out of bed to get a pair of shorts and a shirt quickly. however, i hit my back on the ceiling (i have a bunk bed) and it woke up literally evryone. i am so embarrased tbh. i cant talk to any of my parents/family members abt guy stuff/pVb3rty bc i'll always feel like i'll look like some sort of a freak to them. im even afraid to sleep in boxers or even anything. can someone help me find a way to talk to my parents abt this kind of stuf? id really appreciate it thx

-ur friendly neighborhood versace tuxedo


Hello! There’s nothing wrong with sleeping in boxers. Many people like to sleep that way, no need to feel embarrassed. I understand that walking around in front of your parents is probably not the most comfortable thing so remember when you get up to change. As far as talking to your parents you are the best person to know how to and when to so trust your gut. if you want to talk more about this or anything just call or text us at 888-222-2228

Attached is information about puberty from planned parenthood

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