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volunteer this year

Hi! I am officially a 9th grader (girl) and I live in EB NJ. I want to volunteer. I want to work as a volunteer councelor for DAY camp or I want to help with mental health like be a therapist, but as a VOLUNTEER. And It would be very appropriate to ask you this (since thats ur job), I want to be a hotline helper, do u know places were I can sign up or something? Were can i go to be one? For all these choices, do u have places in mind?
another confidence question, is not caring about ur happiness or rights a low self esteem?


So..Congrats on your 8th grade graduation! That's awesome that you want to volunteer and help people. Starting as a camp counselor would be a great place for you to start. The first and easiest place to check about a camp counselor positions would be in your town. Look up the number to the Recreation/Community Center, start there because they are usually the people who are in charge of camp positions and can give you information. You can also ask the Community/Rec Center if they have any other volunteer positions. I don't know what specifically you are looking for but there is also a Senior Center that may need help too, you could assist with games or exercises. You can also just go online and search volunteer opportunities for teens. I have included a link that has a variety of community service volunteer opportunities for teens @
About your last question, I can't say whether you have low self esteem or not, you are the one who knows how you feel, but not caring about your own happiness is not good. Is there a reason you feel like this? If you are feeling sad then talk to someone you trust about this or even call us. I hope this helped you some and if you want to talk more don't hesitate to call 2NDFLOOR, we are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228 or text us any day 4-8 PM at 908-280-0235.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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