Advice Please
Im being homeschooled and my friends are hanging out with girls. The one that i talked to said that i couldn't come because i don't go to school and it would be awkward. i tried talkiing to him and he straight up told me that i couldn't come. They were all meeting at my friends house that I've known for years. Im just sitting here crying please tell me what i should do. I have all of their phone numbers should i text one please help me
Super Moderator • 9 years, 1 month ago
That sounds very hurtful...and just because you don't go to school with them? That doesn't even make sense! If they are your true friends they should understand and invite you no matter what. Do they know how you feel about this and that it is making you upset? You should be completely honest with them if you haven't already. If this continues to be a problem maybe you can join some activities and meet new friends. For now try and talk to them about this and see if that works. Tell them that you can still be involved in social things after school even though you don't see them all day in school. If you would like to talk about this further please call us at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228. You can also text us daily between 4pm and 8pm. Good luck!