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Getting over my Ex

Ok so recently i've dated this guy for about a month however I broke up with him because I had feelings for my other ex and i wanted to with till it went away. So the next day i went back together with him but it made things worse. My cat got surgery that morning so which made me sad the entire day and I me thinking about my other ex and all the memories so I decided to break up with him again leaving me heart broken because i haven't gone over my other ex since for about a year since him and I dated 4 times.I cried all night yesterday and i kept thinking about the problem which made things worse. I want to date this guy but i don't wanna drag him into it. How do I get over my Ex? Also what do i do since i love this guy but i keep having these thoughts about my other ex?


Hope your cat is okay! It sounds like taking some time for yourself to heal and move on from your ex would be a good idea. Try not dating anyone, but rather get to know you, this will help you have the head space to explore your feelings about your ex. Getting into another relationship when you are still not over when can delay you being able to fully move on, not always but it seems like this is the case for you since you mentioned you dated 4 times and still want to get back with your ex. Hope this helps you and if you want to talk about this or anything please text or call us anytime at 888-222-2228.

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