Health & Fitness

Eating disorder

I (F 13) think I have bulimia or a binge eating disorder. I’ve struggled with my looks and weight for the based 3 years and think I need help. A consume large amount of food or eat slots in a span of 2 to 3 hours and have the urge to purge right after. Sometimes I do it sometimes I don’t. I do extreme exercises and starve myself. It’s not that people make fun of me it’s I’m not skinny as I want to be. I wish I was like wonyoung from IVE or sakura from Lesserafim. I feel like kpop body dysmorphia plays in this. I’ve read it’s a body dysmorphia kpop stand get when stan-ing group, because they are pretty, skinny, and extremely underweight.


Glad you reached out. If you have been struggling it would be beneficial for you to reach out to a professional about ED. Maybe tell a trusted person in your life too, parents? Other family? It helps to have support from love ones. I have attached a resource that you can do an easy assessment to see if you need additional help as well and reach out to them If you want to talk about this or anything else please call 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228 anytime. We are here 24/7.

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