Lunk alarm
Nobody sounds the lunk alarm at my planet fitness. For those who don't know a lunk alarm is a siren attached to the wall if someone makes a judgemental about themselves or others, or does the "tough guy" thing like breathe in loudly while lifting a 500lb weight or something. I get really annoyed by those guys who always show up like no one wants to hear you go "GRAHHHH 👹👹" that it echos off the wall while I do my 5 mile cycle that's interactive. I got my ear buds in at full volume and I can still hear them, staff are right there but for them it's another Tuesday morning.
Super Moderator • 1 month, 1 week ago
Is the button only for staff? If not, you could just go and hit it yourself when someone is doing something that merits someone ringing the alarm. If only staff can hit the alarm, you could point out to them that people are doing things that merit a ring of the alarm and ask them to make sure they do it. If they still don't ring the bell when it's appropriate, you could also write an email to the manager telling them you're dissatisfied and the reason you are and let them know (you could just say this and don't actually have to) that unless they start following their own rules, you are going to take your business elsewhere. Best wishes in dealing with people making noise while you exercise. You can call or chat to discuss further.
1 month, 1 week ago
Sounds like you’re really frustrated with the noise and behavior of some people at your Planet Fitness. The lunk alarm is supposed to keep things chill and friendly, but it doesn’t seem to be working for you. I get it—those loud grunters can be super distracting, even with earbuds cranked up. It would be nice to have a quieter vibe while you’re trying to work out.
I feel you!