Okay, so my boyfriend and I have been dating for two months. We love each other, unconditionally. I know I'm both sexually and spiritually attracted to him, as he is with me. Some people might find this strange, but I haven't masturbated since we started dating. Mostly because I don't have a door to my room anymore, but anyways... He and I haven't had sex yet, so I don't understand why I'm not in the mood to masturbate. I've tried to think about him while I attempt to masturbate, but I suddenly lose interest or get turned off. I don't believe that it's his fault that I get turned off. I think that it's an internal issue, like mentally. I'm very confused and would appreciate some advice. Thank you!
Super Moderator β’ 8Β years ago
Masturbating is personal so figuring out why you are turned off right now is something you have to ask yourself. Do you think that it might be because you are fantasizing about your boyfriend and you two have not been intimate yet, but you want that? Do you feel like masturbating would feel like cheating? Could just be a hormonal change or like you said you don't have much privacy anymore with no door so your worried about that and can't focus when you try. Maybe you are worried or stressed about something right now and that can throw you off too. So just think about it and then let it go for a bit, it doesn't seem like something to be too worried about since it just started. If it continues for too long then you might want to think about going to the doctor to get a physical to make sure everything is okay. Here is a website you can check out as well at Teen Health @ , it has educational information that might help. I hope this helps you some and if you want to talk to us every you can call or text anytime at 888-222-2228.