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Nervous about everything of the first day of school.
Riding bus
cafetieria (lunch time)
How well grades will turn out
what people will think
I just need advice to keep calm and not worry and how should I think even though it turns out bad on the first day or week.


Okay, so that is completely normal! Here are some tips you can do to prepare and then just let the anxiety go. I know there is no magic solution, but some of these ideas can help. Make a plan for the night before school: pack your lunch, exercise to release some stress, get at least 8 hours of sleep, and think of the friends that you might see or teachers if you were there last year. The morning of arrive to school a little early so you are not rushing around and just have a positive attitude about the new year! As far as worrying about what people think, don't! Everyone will always have an opinion and the only one that matters is your own, besides you can't control what people are going to think so why worry about it. Just be yourself and have a positive outlook on your new year. I hope this has helped and if you ever need to talk call 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228, we are here 24/7. Have a great school year!

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