my humor mainly revolves around TikTok and sometimes it refers to Chappell Roan or Sabrina Carpenter, and now ppl think I'm gay for it. just so u know, I'm legit not gay. I have a crush on one girl. what should I do Abt it?
Watching content that includes people involved with the LGBTQ+ community wouldn’t define your sexuality or make you weird. It is weird that people are giving you a hard time about it. Try not to pay them much mind as they are probably feeding off of your defenses. It might be annoying now but they will get bored and move on. If you would like to talk about this further a counselor is only a SECOND away anytime through the call or chat feature on our app.
It's completely normal to have a sense of humor that revolves around things you enjoy, like TikTok, Chappell Roan, or Sabrina Carpenter! Your interests and what makes you laugh don't determine your sexuality, and it's okay for people to have different interpretations. If you're feeling uncomfortable about others thinking you're gay just because of your humor, you might consider clarifying your feelings with your friends if you feel comfortable doing so.
As for your crush, that's exciting! Focus on getting to know her better and see where things go. Remember, it’s important to be true to yourself and not let others' opinions define you. You don’t have to fit into a specific label or category—just be yourself and enjoy the things you love! If you're feeling pressured or misunderstood, talking to someone you trust about your feelings can also help.
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2NDFLOOR is confidential and anonymous but we are required by law to report hurting yourself/others or abuse to the appropriate authorities. If you or someone you know is struggling or having thoughts of suicide, call 988 or chat at In life-threatening situations, call 911.
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