Mental Health
I need someone to tell me if this is stupid because I’m so upset about it and I can’t even tell you why, I think I’m just sensitive. So there’s a school event right now, and me and two other friends were planning to go together. We were on the phone and I guess those two friends you know they live kind of close together so at some point one went to the others house and we were on the phone like that most of it they were just talking, not really to me. at some point they hung up. I was texting the group chat because I want to know when we’re leaving because my mom and sister are also going and they we’re getting impatient. they finally text back, I go, and now I’m texting the group chat and one of my friends privately like that I’m waiting for them and it’s freezing. I’m waiting outside and they’re not answering me and I texted my friend like I’m about to just leave then and they just don’t reply to me for some time. A lol later they’re finally like texting me and spamming me, but i’m already in this mood. I’m already keen on not going and I feel so bad because I also did have like another friend. I told her I was gonna go there and I really did wanna go but this little thing upset me so bad and I don’t know why. Sorry this is so long