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So, I'm in all Enriched classes/groups and currently in 7th grade. I've only gotten one 'B+' on my report card in 4th grade and the rest of my life were 'A's. I just got a B+ in Language Arts and I'm freaking out! I must've cried for at least 40 minutes. I try everything to fix my problems in that class. I asked for extra help and she (my teacher) told me my writing pieces were "great". I didn't know "great" means a B-! I ask her to move me from the people that distract me, but then I don't sit with the people on my level, so she doesn't do anything. I ask her how to do the comprehension work but she assumes since I'm in the Enriched group, I don't actually need help, and just seeking attention. I ask my team counselor about this, and she tells me to "adjust to her teaching type". My parents say that's a great grade, but not for me! Plus, this is the year that High Schools look at, and I messed it up! I don't want to get more 'B's! What do I do?!

P.S. I've also asked for extra credit, and she doesn't give any.


That sounds like a very stressful situation. I can understand why you are upset with your grade, but it also sounds like you may be being a little hard on yourself. If you still feel that you are unhappy with your grade I would try to reach out to another teacher that you might feel comfortable with. Maybe they could then help you. Another option is that you could ask for a tutor. If your school doesn't have one a nearby high school or center would be another good choice. If you need more help give call 2ndfloor Youth Helpline at 888-222-2228, we are here 24/7!

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