Health & Fitness

Self harm but noy really

I used to self harm in many indirect unusual ways. I wasn't trying ti scar myself of really HARM myself. Just like usinh tge ice cube method... its indirect, it hurts but its non scaring. Like I used to skip breakfast and drink coffee causw i knew its make me dizzy and my stomache hurts. That's sorta what i wantwd to feel. Bit then id double my lunch intake. Like I don't know what to consider it???? I would nevwr ever go or take it far to actually get medical attentiin because i have so much control. But I just sorta wantedr to get this out.


Thank you for reaching out. It's good to let things out and not bottle them up inside. That is the first step in healing yourself and I hope you feel strong for doing that. As you say, we are glad to hear that you are not harming yourself in a cutting sort of way. However, you are still using unhealthy coping skills to hurt yourself. Also, as time goes on your unresolved feelings might start to lead you to harm yourself in more severe ways. A great next step would be to talk to an adult you can trust...maybe a family member (mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandma, grandpa), school counselor, coach, faith leader, teacher, etc. A counselor especially can help you develop better habits and replace these unhealthy coping skills with healthy coping skills. I know you mentioned that you have so much control which is why you would never seek medical attention but please keep in mind that opening up to someone you can trust is not necessarily medical attention. It can be as simple as going to your school counselor and asking them to teach you coping skills or just going to talk about something that happened and get it off your chest. Some ideas for the meantime- writing down your thoughts in a journal and even throwing it out after- helps to not bottle up your feelings inside; when you get the urge to act in one of these negative ways- immediately have something to go to or do like listen to music, exercise, go for a walk, call a friend, play a game, draw, read a book-magazine-comic, deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, watch tv. You can also call or text us anytime here at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228. Please continue to take the next steps in becoming a healthier you!

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