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Unlucky or mistakes

Ive had a lot of dating trouble the past two years, and I dont feel like its even something im doing wrong, and I dont really know what to do...Im trying to figure out how i am screwing things up

1. Since things ended with my ex, I started talking to this guy who had been texting me and flirting with me every week in class, the semester before. I went with him to a bar and club, and then I invited him to hang out again, and he said maybe and then we never hung out again...asked him a while later and he said he was sick and had a lot of homework, and then started avoiding me when I saw him in person.

2. I met this guy who got my number from a friend he started talking to me, then we tried to get together, as he had asked once. The first day he was busy, and the next day I was. Then I tried to see if he was free later, and he blew me off, and never got back to me with his schedule

3. I met this guy in class, got his number and he flirted with me said I was "pretty and smart" then we went to a party, at the party he acted like he really liked me, invited me to sleep over, and went as far as to going down on me. Then after this, we hadnt talked much for a week, so I asked him a week later if he wanted to hang out again, then he said I have a project maybe friday. Then I said ok "talk to you later about friday", then he never got back to me about friday, so I never contacted him. I tried again a week later, and he said he "didnt have enough money to go out, so I offered to help pay, then he made all these excuses, about going to a different school, and since he never reached out to me or talked to me much after. I guess he went from liking me a lot to not liking me at all. He also pops up at random times, so I think hes kind of a jerk. Like he only talks to me, when I screw things up in class, and one day I skipped class, so he ignores me all the time, except when I skipped he came to flirt with me.

4. I met this guy through a friend and he said I was "cool to hang out with and fun", and we were going to plan a date. After this, we were going to hang out on a friday, he said im free and ill join you, then he said he wound up needing to work last minute,but it seemed like he was honestly going to come see me, and then like chickened out, got cold feet or something. then I told him two other times when I was free, and he gradually left,

Im just trying to figure out, WHY DOES EVERYTHING keep going from 100 to nothing, what am I doing wrong, because it feels like something, and is it bad to ask a guy you like to hang out and when he is free as this seems to be an issue??

When its been a week after you have seen someone, it doesnt seem needy, but apparently it is???? Im just really lost and hurt....

Im just really confused hurt and dont know what to do....I've made a plan for the future though, if this happens again, I will apolologize if the dates didnt work out, and hope that the communicates more with me about what is going on.

Im also going to try to let them initiate dates more, but it feels like if its been two weeks, after a first date, and they haven't tried to plan a second one its pretty much over anyway

ANY Thoughts about what I am doing wrong????
And what I should do differently????


Thanks for reaching out to 2NDFLOOR about this. It doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong, as it seems like you are just expressing genuine interest in others by asking for a second date or meeting. What you are experiencing is very typical, so please try not to feel like you are doing something wrong. The dating scene can be difficult today, but as long as you continue to be true to yourself eventually you will find someone worthwhile. You can try letting the other person initiate the conversation for a second date, and see how that goes. If you would like to discuss this further, please reach out to 2NDFLOOR by message board, text or phone. We are available 24/7 @ 888-222-2228. Good luck!

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