I feel like I’m not wanted by anyone. My friends don’t want me, my family probably doesn’t either. I don’t even want myself. I wish I could change and be different. I just want someone to love and want me in their lives.
I'm so sorry you've been hurting. It sounds really lonely to feel unwanted by those you're close to. I'm glad you're able to share how you're feeling here. Sometimes when we feel really down or excluded it can color our whole worldview - like we're seeing our life through dark-colored glasses. Also when we feel alone or unwanted we might be more likely to behave in ways that keep us isolated (like withdrawing from others). Then we're at risk of falling into a cycle of feeling rejected and pushing others away, which could intensify the loneliness . The important thing to remember is that you do not have to be alone in these painful feelings. Do you think your friends or family have any idea about how hard things are for you right now? If not, would you able to reach out to them and share? People who love us care about when we're hurting - even if we can't feel their love in that moment. Please feel free to call/text us 24/7 at 888-222-2228 if you'd like more support with this!
It sounds like you're going through a really tough time, and I want you to know that your feelings are valid. It's important to remember that everyone goes through moments of feeling unwanted or unappreciated. Sometimes, reaching out to friends or family and sharing how you feel can help strengthen those connections. You deserve love and support, and there are people who care more than you might realize. Consider talking to someone you trust or a professional who can help you navigate these feelings. You're not alone, and there is hope for a brighter future.
This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.
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Text or talk 24/7 at 1.888.222.2228. If this is an emergency, please dial 911 or your local police. 2NDFLOOR is confidential and anonymous but we are required by law to report hurting yourself/others or abuse to the appropriate authorities. If you or someone you know is struggling or having thoughts of suicide, call 988 or chat at In life-threatening situations, call 911.
2NDFLOOR is confidential and anonymous but we are required by law to report hurting yourself/others or abuse to the appropriate authorities. If you or someone you know is struggling or having thoughts of suicide, call 988 or chat at In life-threatening situations, call 911.
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DISCLAIMER: 2NDFLOOR is a youth helpline designed to listen, help and guide youth in addressing challenges. Periodically, calls may be monitored for quality assurance and training purposes. You are assured anonymity and confidentiality, except in life-threatening situations. When receiving such an emergency phone call, 2NDFLOOR staff is required by law to report hurting yourself/others or abuse to the appropriate authorities. If you or someone you know is struggling or having thoughts of suicide, call 988 or chat at In life-threatening situations, call 911.