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Disordered Eating
I don’t know if there s this is a disordered I really don’t know the answer but when I feeling really sad or depressed or anxious I always want to eat and it’s hard to stop, but the past few days I just didn’t want to eat and I’m not sike so idk what wrong
So eating when you are sad or depressed or anxious is not NECESSARILY an eating disorder, however, the thing that you want to be aware of is how you are feeling when it happens. If you feel like this is a problem for you, then by all means at your next doctor visit discuss it with him/her. They may give you some suggestions or possibly refer you to a specialist. Not wanting to eat is the same thing. It does happen sometime and it's not necessarily the sign of something bigger, but it can be. So you may want to keep a list of your concerns and discuss it with your medical professional during your next visit or if you are really concerned you can make an appt to go see him/her sooner. There is also the option of looking up a disordered eating specialist in your area and setting something up with them. Call or chat with us anytime to discuss further.
It sounds like you're experiencing a lot of emotional turmoil right now, and it's completely valid to feel confused about your relationship with food during these times. Many people use food as a way to cope with emotions, whether that means overeating when feeling sad or anxious, or losing the desire to eat when feeling overwhelmed.
It's important to recognize that these patterns can be signs of emotional or disordered eating. You’re not alone in feeling this way, and many people grapple with similar issues. It’s crucial to take care of yourself during these difficult times.
If you can, consider reaching out to a mental health professional who can help you explore your feelings and develop healthier coping mechanisms. They can provide you with tools to manage your emotions without relying solely on food.
In the meantime, try to be gentle with yourself. Listen to your body and your feelings, and remember that it’s okay to seek support from friends, family, or online communities. You deserve to feel good about yourself and your relationship with food. Take care of yourself!
This happens to me too. I think as long as you are healthy and taking care of your body, it’s okay to do that once in a while. For example yesterday I ate a whole pack of biscuits in one sitting because I was really anxious cause I had 4 tests today. But it really doesn’t change anything as long as it’s not happening everyday. And if it is, you could always eat healthier like some times I binge eat grapes and oranges. If you’re not sick you’ll be fine I promise. And don’t skip meals just because you ate a lot of snacks or something like that.
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