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My (i guess) ex

When I came back from running away with my ex and our (my ex friend) we all had a pact. we would stick together forever and now we all don't talk. It sucks because after everything we shared, we all don't talk. IT SUCKS. I have considered suicide many times and its not like I don't have a therapist its just that i don't know how to talk to people. Every time I get up the nerve to try, I am shushed by the ones who I came to. I just don't know what to do anymore because my ex was one of the only things I was living for. i was striving to be the right person for him and striving to do the right things but he gets it in his head that he just isn't good enough for ME either and we always break up. We've been on and off for 3 years and I feel like this time was the last. I love him and I can't stay mad at him but I just don't know if I should bring him back into my life anymore. I don't think I can handle that stress of feeling like I'll never be enough for him when I already have the stress of not being enough for everyone else. I feel like I should take myself out of the equation because that is what seems to be the problem:ME. I don't understand. I need help wherever I can get it but I don't know where to look.


First, If you feel that you are going to hurt yourself please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273- 8255 or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741 (sms:741741&body=TALK). You can also call or text us at 888-222-2228 anytime we are here 24/7. I know it probably is hard right now for you because your friendships have changed but that happens sometimes in life. You are still important and have meaning in your life regardless of the people who come in and out of it. I don't know how old you are but you can talk to guidance about your struggle and they can help you and even help with getting outside counseling. Just know you are not alone and there are people who can and want to help reach out and talk to someone today. Call or text us anytime, like mentioned above at 888-222-2228.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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