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I'm emotionally abusive.

So i recently found out that I was emotionally abusive to my boyfriend and i have really bad tendencies to be destructive. I've tried to ask my parents to take me to therapy sessions but for the time being, I can't. I've messed him up more than anything for 8 months and I can't stand knowing what a monster I've become.
I'd really like some help from someone so I can finally end this behavior.


It is good that you have recognized your emotionally abusive behavior. Recognizing is the first step to change the behavior!! Here is the number to NJ Mental Health Cares at (866) 202-4357 & website @, they can give you local mental health providers information. In addition here is some information about what a healthy and unhealthy relationships is and how you can identify behavior so it can change. Its called Love is Respect, (866) 331-9474 or go to the link @, you can also text them by texting: "loveis" to 22522. I hope you get the counseling you want and need. If you would like to discuss this issue any further or anything else please don't hesitate to call 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228 or text daily between 4-8 PM.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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