I don't even know
I'm not sure what to do...I'm not sure why I'm doing this...but I've come to recognize that writing is my way of venting, I don't know when I started talking to my guidance couslor it's one of those you aren't sure how it began but it doesn't really matter instances...I do know we really started to talk when the discussion steered towards cats, we're both cat people what can I say? Not too long ago maybe a week or so ago, he read a poem I wrote, and as I said writing is my way of venting, so more often than not my writings are dark. This poem probably was on the darker side of things, it was an interpretation of my depression how I felt in the beginning, not of how I feel now...I realize the subject is taboo which is another reason I wanted to write it. Without previous knowledge of the poem I suppose, it really worried him, the day after he read it he got a psychic evauation on me I don't know the results of it but...I'm sure he does. Regardless that is not what is bothering me, I get it he did his job he made sure I was okay, but that's not what has been bothering me, what is bothering me is the way he's been acting towards me, it almost seems personal....since he read the poem...he pretty much gives me the impression that he doesn't want me to be around him, like he'd prefer that I wasn't there...I've tried to give him some space but he really doesn't talk to me at all like he use to. This morning he practically told me to leave him alone...maybe this bothers me more than it all honesty I don't know what to feels like he's upset with me....upset with me to the point he doesn't want anything to do with me....I don't even know what I should do if anything at this point...
Super Moderator • 9 years, 2 months ago
Writing is a great way to express how we feel. It's a great coping skill and it can let people understand things that we may not be able to say. I don't know the reason why he is distancing himself, but if you want to know the easiest way is to ask him. Part of it could be that since your relationship became more personal that he may want to distance himself for professional reasons. It's your choice whether or not you want to pursue this. Considering this is someone you spoke to regularly it's understandable that you are feeling this way, especially since he has not explained why he is behaving this way. If you want to talk more or to go over you options more in depth give 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline a call 24/7 or text us daily 4-8PM at 888-222-2228.
9 years, 2 months ago
Every time I get near him it seems as though he's trying his best to not look at me and going to lengths not to talk to me. In that sense it's kind of become obvious he's avoiding me, making it hard to ask him. Then when I do talk to him his tone of voice is cold, making short responses as if he's trying to get the point across that I'm not a person he wants to talk to. Usually I am a quiet person and most of the people I talk to are usually adults, this is because I don't relate to many people in my age group so it's easier for adults to understand me than my peers. Over the years of watching people, because I hardly talk to anyone, I've become familiar with body language, his body language is telling me to leave him alone...I did talk to him pretty much everyday it's probably why I dislike the fact that it seems as though he's upset with me...but I'm not the type of person to talk to a person that doesn't seem to want to talk to me...this is mostly due to the fact that I also have anxiety and this causes me to cry, and I really don't want to cry around him because I feel as though he'll think I'm just looking for sympathy, and that's not what I want....but I suppose asking him is the quickest way to figure out what is on his mind....can't say I'm looking forward to it though...
Super Moderator • 9 years, 2 months ago
If you need more help after talking to him or about anything else you can call 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 or as mentioned we having a texting line 4-8PM as well 888-222-2228. You can also continue to write on here. Good luck!