For the past couple of years I've been struggling with depression and have recently been diagnosed bipolar. Being pulled out of school for doctors visits once a month, the medication, and the frequent lack of feeling make day to day life pretty difficult, but my biggest obstacle is my lack of motivation and energy, which ultimately hinders my ability to do well in school. My grades in no way reflect my ability. Whether it be not wanting to do my homework or not wanting to study, it's killing me. Deep down I wish I cared about school as much as my friends did. Unfortunately I've made a reputation for myself. Hearing phrases such as "Wow, Sofia! You're actually doing the assignment!" are like a knife in me even though I don't show it. I would just like some tips to keep myself motivated and help me push through my desire to do nothing all the time. Thanks!
Super Moderator • 9 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for contacting 2ndfloor helpline. It sounds like you could benefit from having consistent counseling to address your mental health concerns. You may want to address your lack of energy with your doctor as it may be part of the illness or medication therapy if you are currently on pharmacological treatment. In regards to school, you should meet with your counselor to address your work load and ways that you could receive accommodations to help you make up work. For example, extra support, tutoring, or extended time for assessments or projects. There are many schools that also offer online courses to help you make up credits you may have to make up. Let your friends know that their comments are hurtful and that it would be more helpful if they supported you in improving your studying habits and academics. If you want to talk more about this or any other problem give 2ndFloor Youth Helpline a call we are here 24/7 @ 888-222-2228 or text us on Friday's from 4-8pm @ 908-280-0235. Good luck!