Today is the worst day for me i was just in one of my class working on a project with my group and although it may seem normal it's not the group I'm in is not that great it was supose to be done but it's not all thanks to this kid in my group I asked him to type up a few words for the PowerPoint and he did but then he got completly distracted it's not the first time so I ask him to get back on track and he keeps going on totaly off track and the project was do today I'm going to fail this project and I really don't need that I already told the teacher and I talked to him none of it worked what should I do
Super Moderator • 9 years, 2 months ago
Unfortunately, group projects can be like this where one or a two people do more then others or are better at presenting and there is not much you can do, but to do your best. You can try talking as a group about what needs to be done so that your grades are good and designate things, while you guys are designating your group can also set a schedule to look at what each one has accomplished. Try those things and see if something changes. Remember, group projects are as a whole but the teacher also grades on individual performance as well. Each challenge in school is a learning experiences so it will make you a stronger student. Hang in there. If you really feel that your grade will be affected too much then talk to your parents so they can meet with the teacher and discuss this matter! I hope this helps a little and if you need to talk call 2NDFLOOR @ 888-222-2228 or text us daily between 4-8PM.