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Just moved and hate it. :(

So I just moved to a new school and I hate my new school :( Actually I think I kinda like it but this one incident happened that whenever I think about school it makes me depressed :( So what happened was in one of my classes (7th grade) this kid threw a crumpled up piece of paper at my head and 2 other girls . I know it's not that big of a deal but it really hurt my feelings and that kid kinda scares me since he's an 8th grader. And everytime I go to that class I get scared that he might do something to me since he always throws things at other people to. Like pencils, calculators, etc. And i don't know what to do in case this happens again because I don't want to cry in front of people. I told the teacher at the end of class and she said she would talk to him. But that doesn't satisfy me for some reason because she can't control his actions. No one can. This wouldn't have happend at my old school, if it did, I would have all my friends talk to him about it. But the friends i've made aren't in this class. My day could be going great in school, but i'll remember this incident and it'll bring me down all over again. If it hadn't happened I would so happy and l=not hating my new school as much as I am now. :(


Being at a new school can be really tough so it is perfectly normal to feel nervous. Sorry to hear about the incident. Listen it is not okay that the teacher cannot control him. You should go to the guidance counselor about this issue or even the principal. I know you don’t want to tell on people but it unacceptable that this boy is allowed to get away with this. Did you mention this issue to your parents? Maybe you should if it doesn’t improve. Listen, let your parents advocate for you if the teacher can not help!
Here are two websites that have ways to deal with bullying and incidents like the one you had, or You can even call Bully Stoppers at (732) 547-2603. I hope the year gets better for you. Good luck and call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 to talk, we are here 24-7.

Happy Mate


Thanks for the advice. School just makes me depressed because in my old school I had a whole bunch of friends and we had our group like everyone else and now when I see everyone else with their group of friends it makes me depressed because I know that I had that and now I don't anymore since we moved :( I had a really good reputation there and I was really popular and now I have to start all over and build that up again when really no one is interested in being friends with me. I have like 2 good friends that I can count on but the rest just don't understand or just don't care. I wish I could go back and be with my friends again. I tell my parents and everything but they all just say the same thing 'it takes time to adjust' and 'you'll make new friends' but that just doesn't help. I want to look at the good side of things but there are so many bad things, the bad side takes over my mind. I really don't want to be this miserable :( My parents say just to stick to school and focus but like 50% of school is socializing! I want to be able to be the talkative person I am but this school makes it hard.

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