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Ergent, please read asap!

Hello! So I have missed many days of school, but I always make up my work. I received a letter saying that if I were to miss a certain amount of more days, then I will have to appear in court. (I'm in 7th grade, by the way). So anyways, my 2nd cousin recently passed away and now I have to go to the funeral on Wednesday (May 21st). My mom said I don't have to go if I don't want to, but I do because I want to pay my respects to him. My question is, would this be marked as an excused absence? Because my friend is having a similar problem, and she also went to a funeral last month... I just don't want to have to go to summer school or go to court or anything... Please answer soon!


So missing a lot of days from school can become a serious issue. If you want to go to your cousin’s funeral then have your mom right a note right away so that you can give it to your principal and teachers. Stay on top of it. Maybe even have your mom give them a call so they know what is going on. In most cases as long as you communicate and have legitimate notes, the school should excuse you. I hoped this has helped and I am sorry to hear about your cousin. Good Luck and if you want to talk at any time please call 2NDFLOOR AT 888-222-2228.

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