After a drug assembly about marijuana, a peer of mine came up to me and said in front of all of my friends "you must be on marijuana because u have a high heart rate (I have a heart condition) you have acne (I'm a teenager, don't all teenagers have acne?) and you're bipolar (I'm not even bipolar!). this really made me upset and I went into the bathroom and cried. and I texted my mom and she called the school. so then I got
called into the guidance counselors room and the first thing she said to me was "why did u text your mom. ur not supposed to text ur mom from school we just had a school meeting about this" that's the first thing she said to me. she didn't even ask if I was ok. and I was sick for the first half of the week so I wasn't even there for the meeting! and the only thing she did for me was suspend the kid that said it for 3 days! and this all happens over 5 months ago and I still cry everynight because of it. please tell me how I can possibly get over this?