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Ignoring me

I broke up with my boyfriend and when we we're dating we barely talked we were known as the shy group then one day my school had a function called ready for life and My boyfriend was there at the time but he barely talked to me and there was another kid he was so nice to me that I started to like him. I told my friend and I decided to break up with my boyfriend. All my friends were relieved because they hated him they thought he treated me bad. I talked to all my boyfriend friends and they said all he calls me is girlfriend and says it loud like He's using me I started to upset because I didn't want anyone using me. We broke up the day after relay for life and everyone already knew I liked the other kid there. My ex boyfriend now found out and didn't seem upset but everyone said he cried because I broke up with him we kinda agreed though it's been a couple weeks now and he's Ignoring me all my friends think he's hot now and like him all of a sudden they even hang out with him sometimes which I think is messed up. A couple weeks later I found out I still had feelings for my ex boyfriend and that he kinda still liked me which didn't make me feel any better I went to a party tonight and my Ex was invited the whole time he ignored me and hung out with my friend laughing and stuff I got jealous but at the same time I knew I should not have broke up with him but I kinda needed to I've cried so many times and I need advice on why he's ignoring me and why he never texted me or snapchatted me back. I sent him a heart one day he read it because he had his read on on his phone and never sent me one back.
Plz answer


Many times we may develop feelings for people who do not return those feelings. It sounds like you might have been into your ex a little more, but think about this, you don't want to stay in a relationship or chase a guy just because you don't want him to talk to other girls. If he is going to talk to them in front of you then think of what he might do behind your back. Breakups are hard, but they are all part of finding the right person for you and everyone deserves to be with someone who wants to be with them!! When you’re feeling down, try to remember the things that made you not want to stay with him, like having to question if he is using you. Also, possibly think about your “friendships” because friends don’t talk to their friend’s ex-boyfriends. I am sorry that you are sad but hold your head up and maybe even go talk to the other guy you had a crush on. If you want to talk more give 2NDFLOOR a call 24/7 or text us daily 4-8PM at 888-222-2228.

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