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There is this kid named he keeps telling me that my mother has AIDS and he keep saying that he pushed my grandmother, sister, and my mother on his d**k and he's just so aggy and every time i try to avoid he just keeps pushing it and i get angry really fast so can you help me.


Those are really horrible things for him to be saying to you. Have you reported this to anyone in the school? I'm sure they would be very able to help you out and prevent him from saying these things to you. All schools have a Bullying Specialist that you can find right on your schools website. You can go to him/her and report what is being done to you. You can also check out the website for additional help as well. If it continues after you've reported it, let them know it hasn't stopped and additional interventions need to be done. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.

This is a safe space to share what's on your mind and to get support from real people.

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