Dear 2nd Floor,
I have recently entered a new school I'm in eight grade and I entered in the middle of the year in the middle of a week and I've only been in it for a couple of weeks the first not counting cause of some dilemmas, on the first day of school the students were nice enough not completely shutting me out and talking to me here and there, but there was a sense of loneliness and after the first day it was real loneliness none were actually friends, they were just being friendly and helpful. My biggest fear was, lunch because I hate being alone or not knowing where to sit since I didn't know anybody, but a girl told me I could sit with her in the beginning of the day and I thanked her gratefully, but when lunch finally came as I entered the cafeteria I couldn't find her and suddenly my stomach would quit jumping and my heart was going way to fast, so I ran out on pure instinct. I don't talk to that girl anymore and she doesn't to me either. Up until now I still don't sit anywhere I usually just go to the bathroom and read, or go on my phone waiting for the time to pass and go to my next class. There is no one I really talk to, and haven't met anyone because of my shyness so I feel completely alone and its not doing much for me at home either I've been completely terrified of going back to school because I don't want that sense of loneliness and as if I don't belong. This also usually makes me stay up hours at night sometimes the whole night. I just don't know what to do I feel so alone, sad, and frightened sometimes worthless. Please if you have any advice or anything I would really appreciate it.