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there has been so much going on. Ever since I got into middle school I’ve been feeling like life’s been falling apart and I’m loosing my grip of reality. nothing feels real anymore, my friends are all turning on me. My “best friend” that I’ve shared so much about my life with recently turned on me and got with my ex boyfriend.
All everyone cares about in school is if your popular or not. Like I don’t get how you get popular!? Like bro!!!!!!!!!


Middle School is tough, James Patterson wrote a whole book series on how hard it could be, but the good news is most of it is just temporary until you find out exactly where you fit in. Sometimes friendships do change and the people you were friends with in earlier grades are not as good of friends (or friends at all) in middle school, and that can also change again over time. There isn't really a key to popularity. People are popular on all different levels. Maybe it would be helpful to focus less on being "popular" and just work on developing the friendships that you do have or can develop. Bottom line is just because it's a struggle right now at this moment doesn't mean it will always be a struggle, in fact you may even find over time that you enjoy your middle school experience. If you wish to talk about this further feel free to call or chat with us anytime.

Happy Friend

Being popular is not really a good thing most of the time the ones who’s not popular are the best people❤️and everybody that’s turning against you that’s just Jesus showing you who’s really your friends and the type of people you should stay away from but I know your going to be much better than them people just believe in your self❤️❤️

Gentle Comrade

It sounds like you’re going through a really tough time, and I’m sorry to hear that. Middle school can be incredibly challenging, especially with all the changes and social dynamics that come into play. It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed and like everything is out of control.

Friendship changes can be especially painful, and it’s hard when people you care about don’t treat you the way you deserve. Remember that true friends will support you and value you for who you are, not just for your popularity.

If you feel comfortable, try talking to someone you trust about what you’re going through—whether it’s a family member, a teacher, or a school counselor. You don’t have to go through this alone, and there are people who can help you navigate these feelings and situations.

In the meantime, focus on what makes you happy and surround yourself with people who uplift you. It’s okay to take a step back from friendships that are causing you pain. You deserve to feel supported and valued!

Gentle Companion

Middle school is the worst time in school, everybody is growing up trying to figure things out, it's normal for things to get to peoples head at this age, trust me once you hit freshman year you will be known as the "children" and you'll only be popular with other freshman, while the upperclassmen look with shame on you. For now ditch that "friend" of yours, Middle school girls are petty and if she is the type to peak in Middle school, let's say you dodged a bullet there.

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