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Being Smart Isn't Always Fun

I'll admit it. I'm one of the brighter kids in my grade. I was the youngest person to win my school geography bee, and the first person from my school to advance to the state level bee. I once cried because I received an 80 on a quiz. There is a downside on being bright. I feel guilty for being smarter than some of my peers! I don't read aloud in class because I don't want to hurt people's feelings because they are not as fluent. My parents console me for not reading. People fight over being my partner when the teacher lets us choose partners, so I end up doing the project alone. I feel bad because of my intelligence, and I try to hide it in order to spare others' feelings. How do I not show off, but still please my parents?


While you might be right that being smart isn't always is who you are, and hiding your true self from other people to make them feel differently about you isn't the healthiest thing to do. And there is nothing to feel guilty about, everyone is different and there are probably things your peers are better at than you. We all have our positive and negative attributes. Your peers also have the ability to study harder to keep up with you and I'm sure you put in a lot of hard work to do so well in school, so don't be ashamed of who you really are. Being smart when you're younger may not always be young, but as you get older, it is typically very respected and better grades with typically lead to getting into good schools, increasing intelligence and getting a good job. None of those are bad things. Good luck to you and be proud of your intelligence. Text us on Fridays from 4pm-8pm at (908) 280-0235.

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