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After to go to college

I leave to college in three weeks and it’s ten hours away and I’m so scared. read more

telling my dad about vaping

I recently got caught vaping by my mom and I asked her if I could tell me dad but I'm really scared too. He gets mad really easily and my family has a lot of addiction problems so I'm really scared to tell him and I don't wanna get yelled at. How should I tell him? read more

Need therapy but can't due to being uninsured and it's making life more hard at 22

Life is already difficult dealing with bpd and borderline but when im off my meds it makes it easier to make bad decision and I need help. read more

binge eating disorder

i (F,12) seriously think i have a binge eating disorder. I am a type one diabetic, and for a while now, i've had a lot of issues with eating and how much I eat. It used to be that I would eat and not give myself insulin for the food i was eating, and I would sneak said food too, like, not tell my p… read more

knowing i need therapy and yet not being able to afford it

hi, i'm 15 and i got out of an abusive relationship a few months ago. since then, i can feel myself literally rotting from the inside out, and yet i can't do anything about it because my parents can barely afford things as it is. i can see myself developing symptoms of what might be PTSD, BPD, DPDR… read more

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